Kamis, 19 November 2015

Membeludak, 30 Ribu Orang Daftar Menyapa Negeriku-Kemristekdikti

Dan saya baru tahu kalau ternyata untuk up load data sudah sangat telat... dari OKEZONE.COM...
JAKARTA - Kemristekdikti mengajak masyarakat Indonesia untuk berpetualang ke penjuru Nusantara melalui program Menyapa Negeriku. Tidak sekadar berpetualang, peserta program ini juga diajak menengok cermin pendidikan Nusantara di daerah Terdepan, Terluar dan Tertinggal (3T).
Dirjen Sumberdaya Iptekdikti, Prof. Ali Ghufron Mukti menyampaikan, panitia program Menyapa Negeriku dibanjiri peminat. "Sudah ada 30 ribu pendaftar sejak pendaftaran dibuka 6 November. Padahal target kami adalah 3.000 pendaftar," ujar Ali di Kemristekdikti Jakarta, Selasa (10/11/2015).
Tingginya animo masyarakat membuat Kemristekdikti menutup pendaftaran lebih cepat. Rencana awal, pendaftaran ditutup pada 20 November. Namun, kini peminatprogram Menyapa Negeriku masih bisa mengirimkan formulir pendaftaran hingga maksimal 13 November 2015.
Ali memaparkan, pihaknya akan mengerucutkan pendaftar menjadi 33 peserta. Mereka akan disebar ke 11 wilayah yang sudah ditunjuk, dari Kabupaten Simelue, Aceh Barat, hingga Kabupaten Jayawijaya di Papua.
"Program ini nantinya akan memberikan pengalaman dengan bersentuhan secara langsung di wilayah-wilayah tersebut. Peserta nanti bisa menulis pengalamannya itu," tambahnya.

Jumat, 13 November 2015


For beginners a lot of sites that provide information on all matters relating to how to make money on the internet, from the amount of information presented, there are actually real give you instructions on how to make money from the internet that it is true and reliable, even there also untrue and misleading, there is indeed come from personal experience and even some are only discussing the success of others.
We just try typing in the search engine Google search using the keywords "how to make money on the internet", we will definitely get a lot of information search results display the article titles blogs or sites with keywords related to those keywords.
If we happen very beginner all the way to make money on the internet, we are bound to be confused, the article where we must choose ?, some other questions that you may have we are questioning is:
a. Is it true that the Internet can make money?
b. How exactly how to make money from the internet what should I do?
c. Of the many references that I found on the internet where should I make reference?
d. Whether the reference I take it references that can be trusted?
e. Are blogs that I have to make money?

And probably many other questions that we are questioning and still unanswered!
In the following article I will try to give instructions that can hopefully pave the way our minds about how to earn money from the internet so that we will understand what we should do and how what was proved right can make money.
1. Do not easy to believe with sites that present a way to make money in an instant!
As usual we can use the Internet to get the information we need, with the help of google search engine we will find many references ways to make money on the internet, at least will be a lot of articles that provides a way to make money from the internet and we may read a few articles we found.
If we happen to find the article how to make money on the internet with the lure, very easy and instant can make money from the internet with a number of very large and fast way without any effort, the better we leave it as such means that most likely 99% can not be trusted.
There are so many sites that provides a way to make money on the internet very quickly and instantly even without effort, sites like it is dominated only for the purpose of deceiving or promotion and less scrupulous, once again if we happen to visit a site such that can we think suits our purposes better leave and do not easily believe.

2. Change the way we think to earn money
One more thing that we need to cultivate is never to think wants to get rich quick, or want a quick success without doing anything, if we still think like that should throw away because of thoughts like that will make us become slacker, educate mental become weak and will make us give up.
Some of my friends that he wanted to earn money from the internet and then follow along wanted to be a google adsense publisher most of them give up before 3 months, they are desperate because every time the list is always rejected, eventually arises laziness, little by little blog that they make Abandoned and edges are not forwarded because they feel hopeless.
What makes them desperate is the expectation of them about how to get money is too high, they too ber of wishful thinking will get rich quick, but not anything, when the desired expectation is not forthcoming then the ends are desperate, but if they want be patient and continue to work hard to maintain the mindset "Success is hard work" I think it would succeed.
In general, people will think that to get money from the internet that he said easily, with only silence money could keep coming, not like that, there is need to know the science as we know science could be like that, but the success we will achieve should be preceded by work hard, keep learning and never give up. do not ever see anyone after a successful but we have to consider is the process to get that success.

3. Know Ways To make money from the internet
If we know how, it was a way to earn money from the internet that much, and many are indeed proven to be true, but sometimes for a beginner is usually the way it hard to come to the surface, because of the lack of knowledge about the world of the Internet and the lack of experience makes beginners will be confused how should start, which way should be chosen.
In this article I will try to introduce some of the ways to earn money from the internet which proved really pay that we can try, are as follows:
a. Google adsense
Maybe we just know what google adsense ?, I try a little pillowcase, Google AdSense is Google's advertising media, we can earn money online from the internet one is to become a publisher google adsense, google adsense publisher to be is not easy, we have applied for registration in advance, the conditions we need to have a blog or a website, if the blog or website that we have considered to meet the criteria of google adsense, then most likely we will be admitted to the publisher, if not then it is likely we will always denied registration.
Blog that we have registered to be able to google adsense publisher like blogspot.com free blog, and blog top level domain (.com, .net, .co.uk etc), if we succeed in registration is accepted, blog or website can be used to we put google adsense ads.
We will be paid if any of our blog visitors who click google adsense ads that we put on our blog. We will be paid using the dollars that we can melt if google adsense revenue at least $ 100. The size of the revenue Google will we get each day depending on the number of visitors or visitors to your blog, the more visitors it will get better ad clicks and revenue from adsense could be better.
Many bloggers Indonesia and abroad that proved successful reap hundreds and even thousands of dollars per month as a google adsense publisher simply by posting ads on his blog or site that already has a lot of visitors.

b. Youtube
Youtoube.com is a popular site owned by Google that works to share videos, we can make a youtube account for free using gmail email then we can upload as much video, video that we can upload the video should be of our own making, both made using hp, video special tools, as well as the result of mixing of other video processing software.
Youtube users and visitors have the most in the world, so we share a video on youtube could have the opportunity to see a lot of people, the more you look at the video we will increasingly well-known, even many well-known artists who suddenly begins to share videos on youtube.
Besides being used as a site for sharing videos, youtube turns at this time we can use as a medium to earn money from the internet, the way is to join as a publisher adsense youtube, one of the requirements to become a publisher adsense youtube we must be diligent to upload video original made in our own.
To become a publisher youtube is free of charge and readily accepted when compared with google adsense publisher to blog above, by having three video only we will most likely be accepted, as well as adsense for a blog but adsense ads will appear in our video automatically when no users see our youtube videos, and if the ads that appear diklick then we will get a commission.
If we are interested in making money online, we can try to be a publisher adsense youtube, our job is just to make the video as much as possible with the various categories, then we upload as much on our youtube channel.
Already many of the successful youtuber reap hundreds and even thousands of dollars from youtube, and I personally think this is a way to make money on the internet the easiest, if interested, many are looking for references on how to make money from youtube, then please we try to prove yourself.

c. Online sales
One opportunity to earn money online is to sell online, many techniques to sell what we can do, can sell their own products or sell other people's products (dropship), to sell online we can use the site's top-level personal domain, or by using website free market place, such OLX, berniaga.com, kaskus FJB and other market place.
For selling online there is a trick in itself, we can find references in google about various things to be successful selling online, if we know the trick then we can be successful online sellers.

d. Sell ​​blog
Create a blog and have a blog will not make us lose, in addition to add insight and pkitai write a blog turns out we can sell, high and low price of the blog will depend on how popular the blog, regarding how many visitors or visitors per day, more and more visitors the blog can be very expensive ,
To create a blog can bring a lot of visitors is not easy, need to work hard, understand the promotional techniques and also at least should know about SEO (Search Enggine Optimization or any attempt that blog article easily found in search engine results), by means of the blog we can bring a lot of visitors, if we are interested and already tired of blogging our blog we can sell at a reasonable price.

e. Become affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketer or broker some sort of bridge between who has a product to the buyer, the buyer can find the items through our intermediary. Affiliate marketer is one pretty good chance to get some extra money from the internet. We promote the products of the owner of the product and we will get a commission if the buyer of the transaction because of our intermediaries.
Requirements to become an affiliate marketer is a blog on the topic that corresponds to the goods to be promoted, the blog is usually used to promote products from the site of the owner of the product, if visitors come to our site then they visited the site of the seller comes from our site, and the visitors then conduct transactions on the site, then we will get a commission.
There are so many sites that invites cooperation to bloggers some of which are amazon.com, and also lazada.com, and much more, if we are interested we can join the affiliate marketer and is ready to promote their products on our site.

f. Opens advertising services
In the online world, we can open advertising services on blogs or sites that we have, we can make room ad boxes are ready to advertise, sayaratnya is a blog or website that we will use to advertise must have been very well-known and crowded, the installer advertising would be interested and willing to pay to advertise on your site or blog if blogs that we have indeed proved to be very crowded.
Advertising rates usually vary depending on the ad type, ad size and layout of the ad, the more easily visible ad position, the more expensive, and the larger the ad position is also more expensive anyway.
If we intend to membuaka advertising services on our blog main requirement is that we should have a blog or website that has been quite popular with the number of visitors are plentiful.

g. Open services content writer
We pkitai writing articles, our ability to bring in money from the internet, one of which is to be the author of the content, the price usually perartikel, high and low prices will depend on the number of words in the article that we make, the more will be quite valuable.

and still many others.

Now which way will we choose?
The way how to make money from the internet above are few of the many ways that we can try, we could try all of them or one, but of course in any way we choose to make money certainly will take hard work and perseverance, if we can survive with various obstacles, the way we choose will most likely be making money in significant amounts.
Approximately of the few ways to make money online on which one is better?
Everyone will find a way that is considered to be very profitable, how it will be considered the best way, but if I were asked to choose the above, I prefer google adsense, the reason a lot of people who have proven themselves to be google adsense publisher to be successful with a rake Tarusan even thousands of dollars from the Internet, if they can we can. spirit! : D

4. Take Action
Once we understand what any way that allows to make money from the internet, now we just choose the way we think fit, we can choose one of the ways above, please learn more deeply, what should we do next is take action or commence our efforts from now to try to make money in a way that we choose.
a. If we choose google adsense, then please we created a blog first, to the early stages create a free blog at blogspot, besides the free blogspot also potentially be monetized, specify the topic of the blog we want to discuss, blog content with original articles consistently, and jaringlah visitors our blog to se many-many and register our blog google adsense.
b. If we are interested in making money from youtube, please we create an account youtube by logging on youtube using the email Google (gmail) us, upload the video of our own making as much as possible, then the monetization of our videos, our job next is to continue uploading videos and tiggal waiting dollar we get, the more videos we upload our chance to get a better dollar.
c. If we choose to become an affiliate marketer, join the affiliate sites, such as amazon.com or other affiliate situa, determine what products we want to be marketed, create a blog and promote our products, make us become famous blog to attract visitors who actually intend to buy the products we market.
d. We are interested in opening advertising services, we can create a blog and make your blog become famous and crowded.
the point in making money online on the internet there is no easy and no instant everything necessary process, once again what we have to do is to work hard not to give up and persevere.

If we had plunged in the online business regardless of how we choose to make money from the internet, we will find many obstacles and tricks that we think appropriate, of all the things that happened during our business through online, you should continue to learn and make every obstacle is a very valuable lesson for us to find a solution, the more successful we overcome obstacles then we will be more experienced and professional business through online, in the end we are likely to succeed.
Some of the advantages of online business:
a. Smaller capital
b. Broad market
c. Systems work 24 hours non-stop
d. Can be run at home and part-time
e. Promotion with a very low cost.

Factors Affecting Traffic Visitor (Visitor) Blog
Basically there are factors that influence the visitor on our blog. High or low traffic a blog can be affected by many things. In this case divided into two kinds of factors, namely internal and external. Internal factors related to how to maintain and mengopimasi blog or website from within. While external factors are all efforts that we do outside the site which could affect poularitas our blog.
Do not be surprised when your blog is still new. The possibility of our blog empty and generally need a process to increase traffic. However, if the blog we are old enough and then suddenly visitor traffic or visitors blog down drastically with the sudden, chances are there is something going on our blog, what we have to do is find the cause so we can find the solution ,

Factors that cause our blog visitors plummeted unexpectedly
1. We replace the domain name Blog Kita
One of the causes of traffic blog We Get off suddenly even no visitors at all is due to the efforts of renaming the old domain to the new domain name. Domain is the root or root of how the search engines recognize blogs and is also contained. Therefore, it is advisable never to change our blog domain names that have been aged and have a lot of visitors. This is because if only we change our blog domain name, it can be ascertained blog we will lose visitors, both loyal visitors of our blog mapun organic visitors coming from search engines. The cause of it is because of our blog will be considered as well as the newly created blog. Replacement domain name is sometimes done by a novice blogger because of a lack of understanding about the impact and risks of domain replacement.
Let's say that because there are several reasons we decided to replace the old blog URL address domain we were initially name_domain_old.blogspot.co.id then converted into name_domain_new.blogspot.co.id, whereas our old blog is already old and already has a lot of visitors or visitor.
When the old domain to be replaced, the replacement of a domain name does not participate replace the domain name that is already stored in the index database google impact when relevant search then that appear in Google search still going to the domain name blog long, the result when the search results visit visitors brought to our old blog pages that no longer exist as a result the outcome blog not found.
Therefore, you should never replace our blog domain names that have been aged and have enough visitors because it is the same as we create a new blog. Even if we are forced to do due to some reason, it is better for a new blog, the content of the old blog content, do a redirect from the old blog with certain techniques that allow that to the same page in accordance with that contained in the old blog before.

2. A change in the Google algorithm
Algorithm changes pointed out as one of the causes of traffic your blog or site unstable. We need to know Google as the owner of most popular search engine in the world often make updates algorithms aim of course to remedy any weaknesses found in the search engines, so that search results or SERP really relevant and as required, and users get the best search results ,
The algorithm changes sometimes influence the stability of blog traffic, sometimes rising suddenly or down, depending on what kind of algorithm that is updated but sometimes can make our blog traffic down suddenly.
What should we do?
What we have to do is dependent on the algorithm, if the algorithm menutut us to make modifications quickly do modifications to fit the google algorithm, for example, just as in April 2015 Google changed the algorithm which requires every blogger to change the template into a mobile frienly.

3. Blog We Get Google Penalty
There are so many ways to create a blog or a website that is easy to find in search engines, can in ways that conform to the guidelines of Google webmaster guidelines, or in ways that are not justified and not in accordance with the policy of google.
If what we do is not in accordance with the policies of Google webmaster guidelines, then continued it can be ascertained likely our blog will easily mendapatan penalty from google.
One of its characteristics is our blog visitor suddenly drops drastically and sometimes our blog articles rank in the search results are not even found slumped and the most severe is removed google blog.
Google did not directly inform our mistakes, but we can see from the number of visitors to our blog diminished if we experience such things, we should be able to identify about what we do, there may be ways that we do to efforts to popularize blog which is considered incompatible with the policy of google so we get a penalty blog.

4. Optimization SEO is too much
To get the best rankings in the search results, no doubt blogs and blog posts at least should be optimized, both onpage seo optimization and offpage seo optimization, both of them should get the right dose. If not, then most likely the result was not optimal.
Whatever optimization we do should not be done to excess, Matt Cutt head of webspam google never explained, that when we involve optimization seo on our blog, then, the popularity of the blog will start creeping up and keep going up if we continue to perform optimization in excess then the popularity charts will decrease and eventually our blog will get a penalty, hard to find in a google search (SERP). Therefore, you should never involve optimization seo excessive to our blog because it is not good for our blogs, there is no rule for sure what dose optimization is good, both for optimization seo offpage or optimization seo onpage, but what we should notice is not too over-optimization. Just enough, even many who suggest if the age of the blog article has reached three months, we no longer need to build backlinks. Let the article to get backlinks naturally.

5. Blog We are dominated by seasonal articles with keywords
Articles with keywords seasonal usually will not last long, and at some time will cause the traffic to our blog that discusses the topic with seasonal keywords will come down over time.
Perhaps a lot of keywords that we can use to be used as the title of the article, depending on the niche or blog topic discussed, could keywords that are considered immortal or keywords seasonal, the keyword is said to be the keyword immortal if the keywords used fame can last forever without being limited by time, these keywords will remain the keywords are always much sought after by netizens who need relevant information according to keywords that are discussed, for example, is the key word that always grab the discussion of SEO, keywords such as this is unlikely to be worn swallowed during the era of search engine technology is still used by internet users.
While keywords seasonal are key words that can only survive in certain moments alone, keywords such as this will generally be worn swallowed era when no longer conform to the season, one example is the keyword that discuss agate, keywords like this we can refer to as a keyword seasonal, and keywords such as this will be able to popular in the era when the phenomenon agate on the rise, but over time and in line with fading popularity eye stone that keyword will be obsolete swallowed era and articles that discuss will no longer popular, the impact of course, the search volume will be reduced and blog traffic will decline.
Actually a lot of factors that led to our blog traffic down, some of which is that I describe above, to find out the cause of our blog traffic down at least we can antisifasi on all matters relating to the cause of the traffic down and also we can find a solution.
Similarly, an article about some of the Causes Traffic Visitor (Visitor) Down blog, may be useful.

4 Piece Security Blogspot You Should Consider
The first time I made a blog is really just for fun, try and without a clear purpose, but over time and the increasing number of read references about the world of blogging in the end a little bit to understand what exactly should be presented in a blog, ranging from how to assemble the word so that it becomes writing at least can be understood by others, until they know how search engine optimization techniques derived from bloggers who are more experienced, allowing blogs and blog articles more easily found by search engines.
One thing in the beginning probably never I Think before that I never at all care about the safety of the blog, as a result as we get older blog I finally struck with many finding things that irritated me, at one point I accidentally discovered almost all the articles one my blog copy and paste (read: in Copas people) without completely enclose link the original source, even some diaantaranya duplicating the technique of auto blog, which resulted every time I made a post then my post as if emerging on other people's blogs.

Starting from the many who do copy and paste the blog article, I began to realize that the security of the blog is very important, because copy and paste can cause duplicate content everywhere, and after what I have turned out duplicate content will be extremely detrimental to the blog owner original article, even allegedly blog can be downgraded in the search results, let alone my blog age at that time was still practically very new, of course if the copaser blog is a blog that already has populriatas and old of course the article would not compete.
Although in terms of hosting and server berflatform blogspot blog is very safe because it is managed by the owner google, but berflatform blogspot blog still has loopholes that could be misused by people who are not responsible, without knowing if allowed would be very detrimental to your blogging activity.
Here are the things that must be considered in regard to security blog, especially for beginner bloggers who did not know the weaknesses of the blog platforms blogspot:

1. Limit Access RSS Feed Your Blog
Feed RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. While in terms of understanding the RSS is an XML-formatted file for syndication are now widely used news websites and weblogs. RSS technology is built to allow us to subscribe to websites that provide feed (feed) RSS is (wikipedia).
For now berflatform blogspot blog already generate rss automatically, every article that you created it will automatically generate rss feed follow your blog, to know the RSS feed of your blog, you can access the pages: name_blog_you.blogspot.com/rss.xml
You will see the RSS feed of your blog page that contains the article as a whole that you serve on your blog according to what you write. as rss feed blog defaulnya is open so you have to limit it.

Why RSS Feed blog should be limited?
If you access the RSS feed of your blog, then rss feed presenting the contents of your article as a whole it means Rss feed your blog is still open, the RSS feed is left open as it could be used by people who are not responsible to tap the RSS feed of your blog ( better known as the technique of auto blog), so that every time you publish a new article on your blog then the article will participate also published on the blog that bug it, therefore, you should shut down access to RSS feeds of your blog that are not easily others tap your article carelessly.

How to limit the access RSS Feeds Blog Being Short.
If the RSS feed of your blog is known still open then to minimize autoblog very adverse action, you have to limit it, the steps are as follows:
a. Log into your blogspot account
b. On the left side of the menu bar select menu suits> other, it looks like the image below:
c. Please set Licenses Feed blog into a "brief", if it please "save settings.
d. d. Now please check back to prove your blog RSS feed, with the command: nama_blog_anda.blogspot.com/rss.xml eg strukturkode.blogspot.com/rss.xml
you will see a list of articles that you write on your blog page RSS feeds, but the contents of each article looks abbreviated and short, if you've seen the articles in the RSS feed has been shortened and short means you've managed to condense the RSS feed of your blog.
By shortening the theft of articles through rss feed rss feed intercepts can be minimized, there are people with forced meskipn still wiretapping against the RSS feed of your blog, they will only publish content very short fit that looks at your blog RSS feed.
2. Install anti Copy-Paste code to protect your article.
Have you ever surprised by finding your article title dihasil some google searches but not from your blog ?, I'm sure you must be upset, it happened because of the actions of artisan copy and paste (thief article) who wishes to copy and paste your article without permission and then publish it on their blogs without including the backlink at all to the original article.
Measures copy and paste can cause dupikat content is not good for the blog, if left then slowly positions article dihasil search will be decreased and it is difficult to compete, the more duplicate content then it will aggravate your blog posts in search results let alone the age of your blog is still very new and not quite popular.
Some bloggers sometimes do not care about the actions copy and paste on his blog, could you also like it if your blog is already very popular banar, aged and have good authority dihasil google search, so chances are your blog posts can still defeat the copy-position article paste it in Google search results, but if your blog is very young and not yet popular enough to copy and paste actions should be your article minamilir by placing copies of anti-paste code on your blog

3. Comment Moderation blog
The third is no less important is the moderation of comments, if you impose a comment on your blog, you should enforce comment moderation, the aim is that you can determine which comments are published and which deserve inappropriate comments categorized sbagai comment spam.
A comment is considered spam comments if the contents of the slightest comment had nothing to do with the content of the article discussed, or comments just lip service or comments whose content is always the same between kometar with each other without the slightest comment has relevance.
The number of spam comments will obscure the content that originally qualified quality becomes, the more spam comments contained in a blog, the blog quality will worsen and will most likely be considered a spam blog that the consequences could be removed google blog because the blog is considered garbage.
Blog without comment moderation will be easier for spammers to plant backlink or active links in the comments without regard to relevance at all. therefore it should comment moderation is enabled to minimize spamer more freely exploit your blog through comment spam.

How to enable moderation of comments on the blog
To enable moderation kometar on blogspot blog berflatform the steps are as follows:
a. Go to the main page of your blogspot account, then select your blog
b. On the left side of the menu bar, select menu settings> Posts and Comments
c. Please select Always on comment moderation then save your settings.
By enabling choices always so any comment on the blog entry you will go through the stages of moderation prior to issuing comments.

4. Beware of Malware on your blog
From the server side berflatform blogspot blog is arguably safer because it is still under the management of a very professional blogger, but that does not mean that your blog is sometimes completely safe because of the lack of experience of the admin as well as negligence factor most likely to contain malware blog.
The blog can contain malware most likely be sourced from the plugin blogs that you plug it in, or it could be sourced from the blog template downloaded you used previously to contain malware in it, so when you use automatically blog will be indicated to contain malware, as seen in the figure below:
How to Overcome Malware on the blog
Malware on the blog if left unchecked will certainly lower the rank google search, to address the malware on your blog should re-examine the code template blog and trying to find and remove the template code blogs that are considered very strange, or if you are not adept to master template code to your blog can replace your blog template with a template that is clean and reliable.
Here are the steps to address malware on the blog:
a. Discover malware code or change the template of your blog.
b. Now go into your blog webmaster tools account
c. If your blog contains malware it will look like the image below in the list of blogs in webmaster tools
d. Please click on the blog address existing warning icon as above. then select "request Review", set as shown in the figure below:
e. Please press the OK button when done, Google will do a review of the waiting 2x24 hours, if proved blog has not contain malware, the malware blacklists to the blog will be lost.
By paying attention to the security of your blog can at least minimize the undesirable things that could happen to your blog, so that your blog is likely to be a popular and long-lived.

Similarly, article 4 Mandatory Security Blogspot that you Notice, may be useful.


Pendidikan hakikatnya merupakan serangkaian proses yang melibatkan banyak tahap yang harus direncanakan, dilaksanakan, dan dievaluasi sedemikian rupa, sehingga mampu menghasilkan perubahan dan hasil yang maksimal sesuai dengan indikator keberhasilan. Kegiatan pendidikan pada dasarnya dilakukan untuk memanuasiakan manusia, maka manusia nantinya akan mampu memiliki rasa untuk menghargai dan memajukan dirinya dalam berbagai hal, khususnya kemampuan, bakat, dan minatnya.
Berbicara mengenai pendidikan Papua sampai sekarang ini masih menjadi domain utama, khususnya dalam hal pengembangan, inovasi, dan pemajuan sistem pendidikannya. Secara tanpa sadar kita mungkin sering mengartikan bahwa pendidikan di Papua tertinggal dari daerah di Indonesia. Padahal hal tersebut kurang tepat, dimana setiap apa yang kita pikirkan dan bicarakan merupakan sebuah doa yang menjadi nyata. Pada hakikatnya hal yang demikian baiknya bukan saja menjadi sebuah perbincangan semata, namun diperlukan sebuah inovasi yang tepat dari berbagai pihak yang mampu untuk mewujudkan sebua impian dan harapan kita semua. Maka dari itu, sebagai pendidik saya memiliki sebuah gagasan untuk memajukan pendidikan di Papua yang sekiranya dapat diimplementasikan secara nyata.
Sebagai pendidik sekolah dasar saya merasa bahwa pada usai tersebut merupakan masa emas dimana kepribadian dan karakter siswa masih dapat dibentuk sedemikian rupa dengan mudah. Beban pikiran dan mental anak pada usia ini masih lugu dan polos, sehingga mampu untuk dibentuk dengan mudah. Namun, dalam hal ini diperlukan sebuah inovasi yang lebih, khususnya dalam hal psikologi. Pengalaman selama saya mengajar menunjukkan bahwa untuk membentuk kepribadian siswa yang berdasarkan Pancasila, berpikir rasionalitas yang tinggi, dan kreatif diperlukan sebuah gagasan untuk merangsang otaknya untuk bekerja secara maksimal. Salah satunya adalah dengan  diskusi tipe Jigsaw yang berbasis kebudayaan setempat.
Secara prinsip teknik ini menuntut siswa untuk menguasai materi untuk selanjutnya diajarkan kepada teman sekelompoknya. Teknik ini jarang digunakan oleh kebanyakan guru, karena memakan waktu yang cukup lama. Namun, pengalaman, pengetahuan, dan hasil penelitian saya sebelumnya mengenai Peningkatan kreativitas siswa dalam pembelajaran dengan metode belajar Jigsaw yang berbasis kebudayaan setempat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian saya menunjukkan bahwa secara pemikiran siswa akan lebih terbuka dan mengusai materi secara lebih mendalam dan kritis. Selain itu, konteks kebudayaan setempat tidak saya lupakan.
Pada hal ini menjadi perbincangan penting ketika dihadapkan pada sebuah gagasan yang menunjukkan pada nilai-nilai yang terkadung pada kebudayaan setempat. Kebudayaan Papua memiliki kekhasan yang sangat unik dan bernilai moral tinggi. Salah satunya adalah Tarian Pesta Ulat Sagu Suku Asmat. Tarian tersebut merupakan sebuah wujud rasa syukur atas anugrah dan rejeki yang diberikan dari Tuhan kepada manusia. Dalam tahap pembelajaran seni, hal pembelajaran dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan penjelasan kepada siswa bahwa tarian ini menggambarkan mengenai kesyukuran kita terhadap Sang Pencipta. Setiap gerakan memiliki makna yang terkandung didalamnya, maka dari itu siswa nantinya bukan saja hanya belajar mengenai gerakan semata, namun memiliki pemahaman yang terkandung di dalamnya, sehingga siswa mampu untuk menghayati setiap gerakannya dan menunjukkan rasa syukurnya kepada Tuhan.

Penelitian saya sebelumnya telah berhasil membangkitkan siswa untuk belajar secara serius dengan penuh penghayatan. Pada dasarnya banyak kebudayaan di Indonesia yang memiliki nilai-nilai kebudyaan luhur, seperti adat bermasyarakat, adat berkeluarga, adat beribadah, adat perilaku sehari-hari, dan laib sebagainya. Begitu banyak kebudayaan di Indonesia yang harus kita ajarkan kepada anak-anak kita, sehingga kebudayaan yang nenek moyang kita tinggal sebagai warisan tidak hilang. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya di atas, sekiranya menjadi sebuah pengalaman dari saya yang mampu menggambarkan kemampuan dan keinginan saya untuk turut berkontribusi memajukan pendidikan di Papua.


Hal terkait dengan pengalaman saya mengunjungi berbagai daerah di Indonesia adalah mengenai kekaguman yang mendalam, khususnya dalam hal seni dan budaya masyarakat setempat. Dalam berbagai kesempatan saya selalu mendokumentasikan kesenian dan kebudayaan dari daerah yang saya datangi. Salah satu contohnya adalah ketika kunjungan saya ke Bali bersama teman-teman saya satu kelas waktu kuliah pada tahun 2013.
Pengalaman yang sungguh luar biasa dan tiada dapat terucapkan dari bibir selain Subhanallah. Modernisasi yang dilakukan di Bali sampai sekarang ini masih terus dilakukan, namun mereka tiada meninggalkan kekentalan kebudayaan yang mereka miliki. Hal ini apabila dipikirkan akan menjadi sesuatu yang penting untuk diterapkan di seluruh Indonesia. Bali memiliki kekhasan yang kental dibandingan dengan daerah di Indonesia lainnya. Mereka mampu untuk terbuka terhadap kebudayaan yang datang, namun tiada kehilangan jati dirinya. Dan yang saya kagumi adalah orang-orang disana dapat hidup dengan seni. Keterampilan dari para pengrajin yang luar biasa dalam membuat berbagai penyimbolan dewa-dewa, lukisan-lukisan yang khas dan unik, tarian yang sangat bercirikhaskan Bali dengan gerakan yang memiliki nilai estetis yang tinggi, dan aliran musik yang sungguh berbeda dengan daerah lainnya. Selain itu, semua hal tersebut dibuat dengan tanpa melupakan nilai-nilai religius. Bahkan, semua kesenian tersebut berkiblat berdasarkan religius. Dengan demikian, berbagai kreasi kebudayaan dan kesenian tersebut dapat diterima oleh berbagai pihak. Setelah kunjungan ke bali itu, kemudian berbagai pengalaman dan pelajaran yang saya dapatkan, saya bukukan dan share melalui media sosial yang saya miliki. Dengan demikian, saya dapat memberikan pembelajaran yang saya dapatkan pada orang lain. Itulah merupakan salah satu pengalaman saat saya mengunjungi Bali.
Selain kunjungan ke Bali tersebut, saya juga memiliki pengalaman dalam kunjungan-kunjungan ke berbagai tempat semakin menyadarkan saya, bahwa seni dan budaya itu adalah yang paling banyak menyumbangkan kekayaan di Indonesia. Maka dari itu, dalam setiap perjalanan saya mengunjungi daerah di Indonesia adalah saya selalu sadar untuk menyukuri keberagaman kesenian dan kebudayaan di Indonesia.

Kesadaran yang selalu hadir dan hinggap dalam hati, khususnya untuk belajar dan memahami kesenian dan kebudayaan di Inonesia adalah sebuah prihal yang saya tanamkan hingga kini. Pengalaman dan pelajaran yang saya dapatkan dari setiap kunjungan daerah di Indonesia adalah untuk menggali dan mengkaji kebudayaan dan kesenian di Indonesia. Banyak keberagaman kebudayaan dari setiap daerah yang sekiranya perlu untuk dikaji dan dibukukan, tentu saja didasari oleh kekhawatiran mengenai kurangnya informasi terkait dengan kebudayaan daerah tertentu. Sudah banyak berbagai kebudayaan yang telah saya tulis untuk dibagikan pada orang lain, namun menurut saya masih belum lengkap. Saya memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi dan rasa untuk bebagi, Maka dari itu, sekiranya menjadi hal penting bagi saya untuk berpetualang mengunjungi berbagai daerah di Indonesia untuk belajar dan mempelajari kebudayaan dan kesenian daerah setempat, dan juga untuk berbagi pengetahuan pada warga daerah setempat yang sekiranya mampu untuk mengembangkan daerah dan kawasan tersebut.

Rabu, 11 November 2015

2 The Best Way Knowing the number Backlink In Blog

Until now Backlink is one of the 200+ Google ranking factors still play a role as one of the reference search engines, especially Google to determine the level of appropriateness on an article that appeared at page mensin best search results (SERP or search enggine result page). In building backlinks, especially towards the web page is not an easy matter to be made. Required optimal effort, hard work, and time. Additionally, this process must be done carefully Seara and cultivated so that we build backlinks look natural. This is because if only we know how to build backlinks less safe, chances are what we seek potentially get a penalty from Google.
Basically there are many ways to do so that blogs can have backlinks, can be naturally or can be constructed by themselves. New backlinks will give an effect on a web page when the backlinks to the site or blog pages are successfully claimed or recognized by Google. Essentially the more backlinks that claimed Google and getting quality backlinks towards a blog or web page. Therefore, the possibility of the blogs or blog pages can be easily found on the search results Google search engine.
In principle, if the note number of backlinks always directly proportional to the number of visitors our own blog. When the blog visitor turns riding in the same time also increased the number of backlinks. Therefore, we begin to consistently check the number of backlinks that exist in our blog.

Backlink understanding is something important to know where we have to understand our own backlinks, or just want to know who is on the blog backlink competitors can get a backlink. Many tools that we can use to determine backlink owned by a blog.
1. Google Webmaster tool (GWT)
Google webmaster Tool (GWT) or known as the Google Search Console (GSC). This application is a tool online that are provided by Google to help webmasters or site owners to monitor, monitor, and record all the activity of the search engine robots to a blog or a website, one of the facilities offered by GWT is a look at information on the number of backlinks to our blog personal Successful in the claim by the Google search engine.
This tool can be used only to determine the number of backlinks to the blog that we have, the number of backlinks reported by Google webmaster tool is the actual number of backlinks that actually has been recognized by the google search mensin. To know the number of backlinks to our blog using Google webmaster tool, we must first blog has been integrated with GWT, if not please do the registration google webmaster tool first. As a guide we can see an article about how to register google webmaster tool quickly. To know the number of backlinks using Google webmaster tool steps are as follows:
a. We please sign in to the main page of google webmaster tools and then select one of our blog.
b. On the left side of the menu bar, select the Search menu and then select the submenu Trafict Link To Your Site

There are so many online tools to third parties who provide the facility to see backlinks for free. The tools are very useful to see and observe the number of backlinks that are owned by their own blog mapun number of backlinks owned by competitors blog. Some tools that we can use to see the number of backlinks a detailed and complete which is owned by a blog are:
Some tools above have advantages and disadvantages of each, we could try one by one, in this article. To see a complete list of backlinks we could do a filter, to filter one of the most important criteria is the LIS (Link Influence Score) backlink given effect, the greater the value of the backlink menkitakan LIS it gives a great effect to the blog reference. From multiple applications to see backlinks from blogs that we have of course the question is Which are the most appropriate application ??? Of course the most reliable and credible is the amount of backlinks in Google Webmaster Tool.
Some of the information I have ever read that google hide some amount of backlinks that are owned by a blog or website, to avoid things that are undesirable to the website, one of which is to minimize the occurrence of sabotage on the part of competitors.


Comments is one of the facilities provided in the blog. The existence of these comments basically we have to consider, that when you decide to embed a comment then we have a chance to interact with the visitors of your blog, our blog is also increasingly popular, the number of messages incoming comments on our blog will likely be more and more.
Influence or effect that you have to pay attention to when it will decide to put the comment box on your blog is a need to ensure that mederasi comments on our blog active, meaning each comment entered, the comment is not published automatically, the aim is that you are able to control or monitoring enter any comments on your blog. In this case is related to any comments that Pantar published and which deserved to be removed or included as a category of spam comments.
Generally there are many kinds of content messages incoming comments will you receive. In this case relates to what you write articles on the blog. Not all of the comments that you can is a comment that is positive for our article, sometimes you will also get comments promotional, braggadocio, comments in the form of relevant accordance with article topics you write and also the response of visitors about the article that we post. Thus, it is important for you to always monitor all forms of incoming comments in your blog.
As a blog owner you have to be selective in choosing who will approve comments to be published, not to direct any comments you publish without knowing the positive and negative impacts of the comments. Therefore, you have to be a savvy blogger comments in deciding which one to publish or published.

Google until now is still the most popular search engine in the world. Sophistication and innovation made Google to satisfy its visitors also increasingly performed, such as changes in search engine algorithms at Google. One of them is Google's current boot. This innovation can crawl or browse through the index and conduct for each message content and the content of the comments contained in your own blog. Even so sophisticated application is able to index the content of comments using 3rd party plugins, like Facebook comments, Disqus comments, and other comment plugins.
It shows that the content of the comments that are relevant and will either be able to add information to the bog posotif yours. Thus we mempu improve the quality of your blog onpage SEO, in this case in particular to increase the key content of LSI keywords in articles that we make. In principle, the more LSI keywords in your blog article, it will provide the posotof in the article. the article in question would have many opportunities to comes up in search engine result pages of Google. In this case is a Google search using keywords Long Tail.
Perhaps you have experienced when doing searches make use of the search engine Google with the keyword length (Long Tail Keyword), or the use of five or more syllables as his keyword. You possibility of finding results which deskrisi search results display the text or the text contained in the comments. This indicates that the content of the message contained within the blog comments you've come detected and increase the vocabulary of keywords in the article on your blog. It also provides an opportunity comes up dihasil blog articles Google search will be greater. Therefore, let us create articles that can cause good comments, so many who visit our blog.

1. Comments ado
Short messages and less useful as "good article", "Extremely Helpful, Thanks" and his friends. Such comments should we just put it in the spam. In this regard an important concern to you that these comments do not give a slight positive value in your blog so that it will have a negative impact. The most feared adalam removed from Google or the reputation of our blog will get worse where the Google search engine.

2. Comments that do not give any value
Similarly, the comments preamble, in this case more specifically about the comments in a message ataupu short not long, but it does not give any value to your blog.

3. Comments are not relevant at all
Comments that this is a message that contains about various things, but did not involve issues related to the article that you discussed. Many comments were long but pitched campaign, provocation, and so forth. This lowers the quality of the articles in your blog. In addition, it would also make a reputation in the blog article you are less good.

4. Comments that put links to articles that are less relevant
In principle put active links in comments is allowed as long as it is useful and relevant to the article that you discussed. However, when a link intended to refer to the words that smelled negative, Drugs, pernografi, sarah, and things that are hated by Google. "It's good you do not publish". Moreover, you as publihser Google Adsense advertisements on your blog, these words was incompatible with Google AdSense policies.
Another case again is that you need to consider is the name of the commentator. It could be the name contained in the name of the commentator participate detected in the Google search engine. If the search engines trace it then that is hated by Google, then worry could lower the reputation of the blog in question

1. Comments relevant to the article discussed blog
Kementar relevant are comments containing accordance with articles that you publish. From the various comments included in your message, at least there is a comment that is really relevant to your blog. You shall publish this comment because it may increase the vocabulary in your blog. Comments that are not too short, but the sentence containing the essential elements that can build your blog increasingly popular and crowded.

2. Comments short but contains keywords LSI
Comments containing LSI is able to help in the search to understand what is being said in the article of your blog. If in this context is to facilitate the search engines in distinguishing article that you discussed. An example is the word Apple, then emerging is a word associated with apples, such as sweet, fresh, and so forth. Meanwhile, if the comments are the words of the laptop, then the search engines will be able to distinguish that Apple in question is not the fruit.

Based on the above discussion, if you had become an important subject for us to consider the comments included in our blog. Comments can provide positive and negative values ​​on our blog. Therefore, a problem concerning this koemntar it is better taken into consideration in order to continue to enhance our reputation in the eyes of Google's blog.

Selasa, 10 November 2015


Dalam konteks ini saya akan mengutarakan inspirasi apa yang akan saya bagikan apabila terpilih sebagai peserta dalam program Menyapa Negriku. Pemikiran yang rasional merupakan sebuah gambaran yang mungkin akan menjadi ulasan saya dalam topik ini.
Sebagai seorang warga Yogyakarta yang sedehana, ramah, dan sopan. Apabila saya terpilih, inspirasi yang terpikir dalam benak saya adalah bagaimana cara saya dapat mengajarkan batik di sana. Hal tersebut didasari pada keahlian saya adalah dalam hal kerajinan batik. Di Raja Ampat nantinya saya akan mengajarkan siswa-siswa untuk membatik sesuai dengan motif daerah setempat. Hal ini didasari pada kasanah pengakuan batik Indonesia di mata dunia. Harapannya adalah dengan adanya pengetahuan batik yang saya ajarkan, mereka dapat mengembangkan dan menerapkan pada batiknya sehingga memiliki kekhasan yang bernilai estetis tinggi dengan berdasarkan kearifan lokal setempat. Selain itu, saya juga memiliki gagasan untuk tutur andil dalam upaya memaksimalkan pengolahan sumber daya alam di Raja Ampat, salah satunya adalah dengan mengajarkan ilmu mengenai pewarna alam untuk batik.
Pembelajaran ini penting ketika dihadapkan pada peluang dan kondisi yang memungkinkan disana untuk dilakukan pewarna alam untuk batik. Batik yang diakui dunia adalah batik alam, yang dalam hal ini adalah batik yang mengalami proses dan tahapan sesuai dengan prosedurnya. Maka dari itu, terinspirasi dari bakat dan minat saya terhadap batik selama ini, apabila saya terpilih dalam program Menyapa Negeriku ini, saya bermaksud untuk mengembangkan batik di Raja Ampat, khususnya dalam hal inovasi motif batik lokal agar memiliki nilai estetiis yang lebih, bernilai jual, dan bercirikhaskan daerah setempat, serta saya ingin memberikan pengetahuan mengenai pemanfaatan tumbuhan untuk pewarna alam pada batik.


Berbicara mengenai pendidikan di Indonesia memang tiada akan habisnya. Namun, dalam konteks kali ini, saya akan hanya mengerucut pada perihal sudut pandang dan impian saya mengenai pendidikan di Indonesia. Diawali dari permasalahan pendidikan di Indonesia yang selama ini dialami, salah satunya adalah sistem pendidikan di Indonesia selalu menuntut siswa untuk serba bisa. Semua hal diharapkan untuk dikuasi, sedangkan siswa sendiri pada hakikatnya memiliki kemampuan, kreativitas, bakat dan minat masing-masing yang harus dimaksimalkan. Bukan untuk menguasai semua bidang.
Pada pendidikan dasar dan menengah pertama sistem pembelajaran yang diberikan kebanyakan masih sangat umum dan belum memaksimalkan berbagai hal yang dimiliki siswa. Penyaluran bakat dan minat siswa selama ini masih sebatas pada ekstrakurikuler, belum menjadi domain utama dalam konteks pembelajaran di Indonesia. Hakikatnya setiap anak memiliki kemampuan yang berbeda-beda, namun dalam pembelajaran selama ini masih bersifat menyamaratakan semua siswa dalam satu lingkup kelas. Barulah melangkah pada tahap selanjutnya pembelajaran siswa masuk pendidikan menengah atas, dimana siswa diharapkan memilih jurusan sesuai dengan kemampuan, bakat, dan minat.
Menurut saya, hal ini pada dasarnya sudah bagus untuk membentuk gagasan pencetak tenaga kerja, namun belum mengarah pada tingkat profesional. Tingkat ini kebanyakan dipahami apabila siswa sudah lulus dan melanjutkan pada Perguruan Tinggi. Menurut saya hal seperti ini kurang tepat. Apabila kita berkaca pada konteks membentuk tenaga yang benar-benar ahli dan profesional, ada baiknya apabila sistem pendidikan yang mengarah atau menjurus pada salah satu bindang spesifik sesuai dengan kemampuan, bakat, dan minat siswa itu dimulai sejak kelas SD.
Berlandaskan akan hal tersebut, saya memiliki gagasan untuk siswa itu sejak dini dideteksi bakat dan minatnya, sehingga mampu dimaksimalkan sedemikian rupa. Saya ungkapkan dengan contoh pendidikan kerajinan. Siswa yang memiliki bakat pada bidang kerajinan dididik sejak SD pada bidang kerajinan, mulai dari pengetahuan dasar, pengolahan bahan, pembuatan produk hingga finishing semua diajarkan pada satuan pendidikan. Selanjutnya sebagai tugas akhirnya siswa diminta untuk membuat sebuah inovasi produk kerajinan yang berdasarkan konteks kebudayaan setempat dan diminta untuk mendeskripsikannya selayaknya makalah atau laporan karya. Bukan hanya itu, untuk meningkatkan kemandirian siswa, salah satunya dengan menjual hasil karyanya atau berpameran. Namun, dalam hal ini setiap tingkat pendidikan memiliki tingkatannya tersendiri. Dengan demikian, siswa akan dapat berkreativitas dengan menghasilkan inovasi karya yang baru, memaksimalkan kemampuan, bakat dan minatnya sesuai dengan apa yang dikehendakinya.
Hal yang sebagai catatan dalam pembahasan ini adalah, pendidikan kejuruan sejak dini ini dalam prosesnya diperlukan sebuah proporsi, seperti halnya pendidikan di SMK. Contohnya materi matematika yang diajarkan berbeda antara SMK Otomotif dengan SMK Seni Rupa dan Pariwisata. Kondisional berdasarkan kebutuhan dan lingkup keilmuan di setiap bidang. Dengan demikian, sistem pembelajaran akan lebih proporsional dengan kebutuhan siswa serta dapat menciptakan karya yang berdasarkan kebutuhan masa depan Indonesia.'
Saya memiliki impian dengan sistem di atas, pendidikan di Indonesia akan lebih maju dengan pesat dengan adanya tenaga-tenaga yang profesional. Bukan saja tenaga yang hanya mengandalkan ototnya, namun juga mengandalkan kreativitasnya untuk dapat mengelola sumber daya yang ada di Indonesia, baik alam maupun manusianya. Hal ini penting ketika yang menjadi pokok permasalahan selama ini adalah mengenai kurangnya SDM untuk mengelola sumber daya yang ada di Indonesia. Dengan adanya disiplin ilmu yang linier sejak pendidikan dasar hingga perguruan tinggi, maka saya yakin bahwa tak akan lagi berita negara pengimpor, Rupiah melemah, dan krisis pangan. Kemudian, yang menjadi topik utama adalah karya-karya anak bangsa yang melejit hingga kancah Internasional. Semoga apa yang saya impikan itu dikabulkan oleh Allah SWT... Amiiinnn...

Minggu, 08 November 2015

Mulai Semester Genap, Kurikulum 2013 Dihentikan

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Anies Baswedan menginstruksikan sekolah yang belum menggunakan Kurikulum 2013 selama tiga semester untuk kembali ke Kurikulum 2006. Sementara itu, sekolah yang telah menjalankan selama tiga semester diminta tetap menggunakan kurikulum tersebut sembari menunggu evaluasi dari pihak berwenang.
"Dengan memperhatikan rekomendasi tim evaluasi implementasi kurikulum, maka Kurikulum 2013 dihentikan," kata Anies kepada pewarta, Jumat (5/12/2014).  Anies mengatakan, saat ini ada 6.221 sekolah yang sudah pakai Kurikulum 2013 selama tiga semester lebih. 
"Mereka akan jadi contoh bagi sekolah yang belum siap," tambah Anies. Mantan Rektor Universitas Paramadina ini kembali menyinggung soal pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 yang dinilai terlalu cepat. Anies pun berharap agar pelaksanaannya yang sudah dievaluasi kali ini bisa berjalan setahap demi setahap. Sekolah yang dijadikan contoh pun nantinya akan jadi model dalam pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 yang ideal bagi sekolah-sekolah lain. 
Kurikulum 2013 telah diterapkan di 6.221 sekolah sejak Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014 dan di semua sekolah di seluruh tanah air pada Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Sedangkan, Peraturan Menteri nomor 159 Tahun 2014 tentang evaluasi Kurikulum 2013 baru dikeluarkan tanggal 14 Oktober 2014, yakni tiga bulan setelah Kurikulum 2013 dilaksanakan di seluruh Indonesia.

Kamis, 05 November 2015


Kemaren habis jalan-jalan dan mampir ke tempat mbak Lina. Eh... pas dateng liat dia baru buat Bros yang keren... jadi pengen deh... nih buat temen-temen yang mau dan berminat sebagai referensi bros cantik. bisa buat suvenir pernikahan ataupun hiasan diri...

cara melihat kata kunci populer di google

Anda dapat melihat kata kunci populer di Google dengan menggunakan Google Trends. Berikut ini adalah cara melihat kata kunci populer di Goog...